Training For My First Double

Pretty hard to drag myself out of bed and into pea soup fog this morning, but only slackers sleep in, right?

Besides, I only have a couple months to get my fat ass in shape for the Joshua Tree Double Century.

My plan for the day was to meet up with the Alex Hayes group for their metric century ride in order to get some easy miles in while riding with the peloton.

After about 60 miles and some fun sprints to imaginary finish lines with the big boys, it was time to fly solo.

Almost Home

Put in another 40+ by myself and managed to squeeze out a respectable 103 before my stomach tried to start shrinking and I headed back home to devour some much deserved wings and a couple pints of beer.

The Grammo C3 performed flawlessly and at times, it felt like I was barely spinning until I looked at the Garmin and saw 25 mph or more.

Until next time, Cheers!
