Missing my MTB

This year I hit one of those milestone birthdays and I decided that I needed to do an Ironman to celebrate. As you can imagine, I've been doing a lot of training to get ready. In fact, I was reaching the point of starting to burn out. Then, I realized that the problem was that I had been spending too much time on the wrong bike... The solution, pull my Toa down off the rack and head for the hills on an Epic ride. My friend Rob came to the rescue and agreed to go with me on what turned out to be an 8 hour, 67 mile ride with 10,370 feet of climbing and about the same descending. It turned out to be just the ticket for re-energizing my training.
How do you cap a ride like that? I got my 6 year old out on the trails on his mountain bike today and he tore it up climbing like a maniac and fearlessly descending everything he could find. It was awesome. Now I'm ready for the final month or so of training before the big race. After that, I can get back to more riding in the dirt.